Benefits of hot water bath:Expectations vs Reality


As we all like to bath with cold water in summer season like wise we prefer to bath with hot water in winter season. 

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Generally, hot water shower helps to relax our muscles and releases tiredness from our body as well. 

Today we are going to discuss about the advantages and disadvantages of hot water shower. 

Benefits of hot water bath:Expectations vs Reality

Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of hot water shower:-

Advantages of hot water shower:-

1) Hot water shower helps in blood flow and helps in proper functioning of blood circulation in our body. 

2) Hot water shower nourishes our skin and cleans the pores of our skin as well. 

3) We can have sound sleep after having hot water shower. 

4) It helps in improving the proper functioning of our heart as well. 

5) If we are having headache problem hot water shower can be good option to cure it. 

6) Hot water shower helps in relaxing our body and mind as well. 

7) It helps in joint pain problem in our body as well as it increases the temperature of the bone and makes it relax. 

Advantages and disadvantages of hot water shower

Disadvantages of hot water shower:-

1) If we daily take hot water shower it makes our hair dull and dry as it cleans all the moisture present in the hair. 

2) Regular take of hot water shower may result in damaging of skin as well. 

3) Pregnant women should avoid taking hot water shower as it has negative effects on mother and baby as well.


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Frequently asked questions(FAQ) :-

1) Is hot water bad for hair? 

Ans:-As per the research shown that regular bathing with hot water causes dryness of the hair as it swipes away all the moistures present in the hair so regular bathing with hot water is bad for hair. 

2) what is the benefits of taking a hot shower? 

Ans:-There are various benefits of taking a hot shower as it relaxes our muscles, helps in proper functioning of blood circulation and proper functioning of heart as well. 

3) can water make you fat? 

Ans:- No, obviously not because water is natural and is calorie free so it does not make you fat instead it can make you feel hydrated and energetic all day. 

4) How many bottles of water should I drink a day? 

Ans:- we can simply say that drinking 2 litres of water is enough for a human body in a day as considering about how many bottles than you should consume 2 litres of water bottles per day. 

5) Does water help to burn fat? 

Ans:- yes, water helps to burn fat in the body but should be consumed in proper and right amount of water. 

Hope you liked reading this post if you have any questions or suggestions fell free to comment down below so that I can reply you back. 

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